The GovEdge Consulting
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The GovEdge Consulting
We are excited about consulting with your small business for Government Contract. Once payment has been submitted, we will send you the documents to become more familiar with what areas for consultation. Once we have received the document, we will then set up a zoom session for consulting. All consulting sessions are recorded.
The GovEdge Consulting includes most or all of the following within the consulting session:
Premium Consulting
More than 6 hours
The GovEdge provides actionable intelligence and a strategic roadmap for your Government business growth.
Market Analysis is the First and Most Important Part of Your GovCon Plan
Without competent market analysis, Government contractors waste time focusing on the wrong agencies and offices, missing bid opportunities that would be a perfect fit for their capabilities and past performance. They are unsure how to prioritize customer contacts, monitor their competition, or discover the best teaming partners.
You should invest in a Market Analysis if:
You are new to the Government market
You are targeting a new agency
Your competitors are outpacing you in market growth.
What is Included in the Government Market Analysis?
The GovEdge will study your capabilities and business objectives. We will then research and analyze the market to determine where you should focus your business development efforts.
We will give you detailed and data-based insight into:
Target agencies that buy the services, products, or solutions that you sell
Funding trends (money obligated versus actual spending)
Preferred agency contract vehicles and how to access them
The best Government contacts for your marketing campaigns
Top competitors and what you should learn from them
Top Government opportunities to focus on
How to Use Market Analysis Results
With our Market Analysis results in hand, you will have with the best agency contact information, and you can start setting appointments with prospective customers. You can then make strategic decisions based on your competitor analysis. You will know about upcoming opportunities well in advance, giving you time to conduct capture and properly position yourself for a bid. You will also receive contact information for potential teaming partners who can strengthen your bids.
If you need more than Market Analysis and would like us to guide you through the process of Government business development, check out our The GovEdge Winner that also includes opportunity identification and opportunity qualification, which gets you ready for capture and/or winning proposal development.
Need a Deeper Dive into a Specific Agency? We Can Develop an Account Plan for You.
Market Analysis examines the entire market to help you prioritize your efforts. It is necessary for newcomers to Government contracting or those who aren’t sure where to find bid opportunities that align with their specialty.
An Account Plan for a specific agency goes deeper than the Market Analysis. It provides a detailed playbook for success at a specific agency and includes:​​
Agency mission and goals relevant to your company’s capabilities
Verified agency contacts – we speak directly to agency employees to ensure the accuracy of publicly available information, saving you time and effort
Sponsors and influencers up the chain of command
Budget analysis that outlines the agency’s funding stream, budget process, type or “color” of money they use, and whether they have year-end money or discretionary funds
Agency procurement process
How the agency buys using Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDV)
Main IDVs and their profiles: scope, duration, number of awardees, who they are, ceiling, spend/burn, Task Order size range, who dominates the vehicle, small business designation and treatment, contracting organization and contacts, fee collected for the vehicle, who can buy through the vehicle, restrictions, GSA relationship, etc.
Agency relationships that are relevant to your BD efforts
The agency’s top competitors as well as potential teaming and mentor-protégé partners
Your ideal opportunity profile for the agency
Top expiring and new opportunities that fit your capabilities
An action plan to increase your footprint at the agency